Friday, 13 April 2012

Spend Wisely to Save Money

Have you ever noticed that the things you buy every week at the grocery and hardware stores go up a few cents between shopping trips? Not by much, but just a little each week. As you watch over the course of several weeks, they continue to creep up and up.

All it takes for the price to jump, is a little hiccup in the world wide market. Note the price of gasoline as it relates to world affairs.

There is a way that we can keep these price increases from impacting our personal finances in a big way That is by buying in quantity and finding the best possible prices for the things we use and will continue to use everyday. Products that will keep just as well on the shelves in our homes as it does on the shelves at the grocery or hardware stores.

For instance, dog and cat food costs about 10% less when bought by the case, than it does when bought at the single can price. If you wait for close out prices you will save even more. 

Set aside some space in your home, and make a list of things that you use regularly which will not spoil. Any grain or grain products will need to be stored in airtight containers.

Then set out to find the best prices you can get on quantity purchases of such things as bathroom items, and dry or canned food.

You will be surprised at how much you can save by buying a twenty pound bag of rice, as opposed to a one pound bag. Don't forget that it must be kept in container that is secured against vermin.

You can also save money on single items by finding low prices online. By comparing prices from stores with online prices you will be able to find good deals on a number of articles. Personally I can tell you that i do alot of my shopping online. I have been able to save hundreds of dollars on items such as clothing, books, and electronics. The point is to, as they say "Shop Around". If you don't need something until next week, look for it online, you'll probable find a better price online, then in a store.


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