Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Carpool: Save The Environment and Money

Are you tired of traffic jams, increasing air pollution and the ever increasing price of fuel? Do you ask yourself, want can I do about it?

You can do something about it, by forming or finding a carpool. A carpool is an arrangement where people share their vehicles with other carpooler's and commute together. So look for websites that have listings for carpools in your area. A good example of a carpool site is "" an auto classifieds site which was also India's first carpool matching site. The objective behind the site was to build an auto classifieds site where users can buy and sell cars and bikes, auto products and services. They could search for auto events, auto clubs and carpools.

Carpools do make a lot of sense. By sharing fuel costs you save money, vehicle maintenance cost & parking fee. Saving fuel and reducing harmful exhaust gases reduce the impact on the environment, while also diminishing traffic congestion. You also expand your network of friends and contacts. So it not only saves you money, and the environment, it provides you with a social interaction as well.

With air pollution levels on the rise in our cities, manic traffic jams and the increased burden of fuel prices on commuter's wallets, there are only two alternatives to commuters. First public transport, and second carpools. Public transport, however, is not a logical alternative for many urban commuters. This is where carpools come in. Carpools are a great way of bring people together and providing a better way forward to the troubles commuter's face daily.


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