Tuesday, 10 April 2012

8 Tips to Save Money on Groceries

An average family's grocery bill is one of the higher numbers in the family budget. One thing to remember is, there can be a distinct difference in what each family spends on their groceries. It depends on many factors, such as whether they buy name brand, more meat, etc.

The good news is that this allows for a large amount of savings, so long as we decide to be frugal with our shopping. Following these few simple tips will have you well on your way to saving a few bucks.

1.) Make a meal plan. You'll know exactly what you need to get from the store before you go. 

2.) Watch for specials and coupons, then plan your meals around them.

3.) Make a list and stick to it. If it's not on the list, don't buy it.

4.) Don't shop when you're hungry. This way you won't be tempted to buy things you don't need.

5.) Shop alone. You can count on your bill being higher when you bring your spouse or children.

6.) Only buy things you know you'll use. For example, if your family doesn't like broccoli, don't buy broccoli in the hopes that they'll eat healthier this week.

7.) Keep your eyes on the items on the bottom shelf where the prices are lower.

8.) Buy store brands when the quality is the same. Most of the time, it's actually the same product in a different package.

It's pretty easy to be frugal once you realize how much money you'll actually save with these simple steps. Keep a log of your grocery bills. That way you can see how much of a difference in your bill you are making.


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